Efficient House Plans – Planning for your Efficient Home
Green and Efficient house plans have become a major question when customers are looking at house plans. Many misconceptions exist when discussing this topic. The floor plan itself will not provide the most energy efficient house, its what you don’t see when the project is complete that provides efficiency.
- Site and Building Orientation: Does your site receive plenty of sunlight? Is it on a Hill or in a valley? Is the site located in a Warm or Cold Climate? These questions need to be answered before placing your building to determine the best strategy for efficient house plans. If your site is located in a sunny spot in the northern hemisphere in a colder climate, you’ll want to orient the majority of living spaces on the south side of the building. You’ll also want building eaves or overhangs that allow plenty of sunlight to enter the building in the winter months. The opposite is true in warmer climates. This same affect can be accomplished with smart landscaping. For instance, planting deciduous trees that will lose leaves in the winter to allow sunlight into the house and block sunlight in the summer.
- Roofing Materials: The color of your roof also has an effect on the efficiency of your house. A dark colored roof will absorb sunlight and warm the structure. While a lighter color roofing will reflect the sunlight, keeping the roof cooling and in effect lowering heating/cooling costs.
- Windows and Doors: Energy efficient windows and doors with high insulation values will keep the warmth in during the winter and the cool air in during the warm months. Although they cost more than standard options, the cost savings in the long run are worth it.
- Insulation: Higher than code R-Values on insulation bring the best results when it comes to being efficient. Most home owners don’t think twice about whats in their walls,they can’t see it. Yet it is the most important aspect of your green and efficient house plans. A high quality, closed cell spray insulation will not only insulate your home but also act as a vapor barrier, keeping your home comfortable. High R-values can be obtained with many different products, even Batt insulation.
- House Plan Size: Purchase a house plan that meets your family needs, nothing more. A large house plan with rooms that never get used is not only a waste of heating and cooling, but can also affect the considerations above. It may seem like that extra large bonus room would be nice, but spending that money on high quality insulation can go a long way.
There are other factors that contribute to building efficient house plans, but these are the easiest to accomplish and think about before beginning your construction project.